List of project proposals financed within the grant competition for the creation / development of Business Support Centers

The 40-months project aims to contribute to the inclusive economic development of the Republic of Moldova through the active involvement of civil society and other stakeholders, considering the provisions of the Association Agreement with the European Union, which includes the Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area.

One of the project's activities involves funding six Business Support Centers (Hubs) to support the creation and development of viable Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) and generation of opportunities to stimulate economic development in the regions.

Business Support Centers will serve as an effective tool of supporting private initiative and will help strengthen the public-private partnership in achieving the goal of sustainable development of communities and regions.

The purpose of this grant competition is to support 6 regional business support centers in their efforts to support SMEs in providing business development services across the country. These centers will provide assistance in business management, training and mentoring, access to financing services, technical support services and access to national and European databases relevant to the field of activity. Through their work, the Hubs will support the acceleration of business and contribute to economic growth and the well-being of citizens and communities. The program will encourage the establishment / development of Business Support Centers (Hubs) in association with existing Business Incubators, branches of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, universities, innovation centers, technology parks, industrial parks, operating in the area, cooperation and the development of complementary services in conjunction with other similar initiatives.

The list of project proposals recommended for financing:

1. “HUB of social entrepreneurs”, AO “EcoVisio”
2. “Business Hub - Business Support and Development Center”, НКО «Агентство Инноваций и Развития»
3. Business Hub "OX" Ассоциация бизнесменов Гагаузии "NEXT"
4. “Youth4Entrepreneurship - business support center for young entrepreneurs”, “Youth Development for Innovation” Foundation (Y4I)
5. “Business Skills Hub”, Association of Business Women from Bălți (AFA Bălți)
6. “Orhei Business Support Center - promoter of small and medium business development”, Orhei Regional Agency for Sustainable Development
