The project “Local Civil Society Contributes to Inclusive and Sustainable Economic Development in Moldova” will enable Moldovan CSOs to play an effective role in policy advocacy, private sector development and sustainable economic growth. Specifically, with project support CSOs will empower vulnerable men and women (returned migrants, youth, persons with disabilities) and SMEs (i) to explore sustainable economic opportunities along with benefits provided by the AA/DCFTA and (ii) to manage emerging economic risks such as COVID-19 pandemic.

Wider project objective: Vulnerable men and women are empowered, exploit sustainable economic opportunities, reap the benefits provided by the AA/DCFTA and are better prepared to manage economic risks (such as COVID-19 pandemic) through active civil society engagement.  

Donor: European Union

Cofinancing: Sweden

Implementing partners: "CONTACT" Center, European Business Association

Implementation period: February 01, 2021 – May 31, 2024

Project budget: 3,279,019 EUR