East Europe Foundation announces a call for Evaluation of the Project “Harnessing the CSOs’ potential to promote and develop the social entrepreneurship in Moldova”  

In 2021 EEF launched the project “Harnessing the CSOs’ potential to promote and develop the social entrepreneurship in Moldova”, financially supported by the European Union and co-funded by Sweden. The objective of this call is to provide EEF with a technical and professional assessment of results, achievements, key challenges and lessons learnt from the implementation of the project. 

  1. Background

East Europe Foundation is a non-profit, non-political organization established in Moldova in accordance with the Law on Foundations. EEF was registered on 03 November 2009 and started its activities in June 2010. Previously EEF operated as a representative office of the Eurasia Foundation in Moldova since 1998.

East Europe Foundation’s mission is to improve the livelihoods of vulnerable women and men and foster participation, decent work, environmental security, equality and non-discrimination, economic prosperity for rural population, unemployed, informal workers, persons with disabilities, Roma and other vulnerable groups. 

In 2021 EEF launched the project “Harnessing the CSOs’ potential to promote and develop the social entrepreneurship in Moldova”, financially supported by the European Union and co-funded by Sweden. The 36 months project seeks to empower Moldovan CSOs to engage in creation of social enterprises which will contribute to sustainable economic growth of communities The action is implemented by a consortium of three CSOs: East Europe Foundation, as the lead applicant and two partners, Keystone Moldova and Contact Centre. 

Overall objective of the project: disadvantaged people have better access to local economic and social opportunities through active civil society engagement in the development of social entrepreneurship.

Specific Objectives of the project are: 

SO.1. Assessed national context reveals barriers for development of social enterprises and explore new interventions plans for facilitation of social entrepreneurship’ evolution in the Republic of Moldova. 

SO.2. Regional Social Business Hubs implement new complex approaches for sustainable development of social enterprises by means of offline and online coaching, mentorship, coordination and knowledge sharing, facilitating networking and exchange of experience, e-learning platforms, business intelligent solutions, digital solutions and e-commerce. 

SO.3 Disadvantaged people have better economic and social opportunities through social enterprises developed based on small grant scheme. 

SO.4. General population and Local Public Authorities have increased awareness about the role of social enterprises in community development through educational and promotional campaigns.  

The total budget of the project was 1,123,596 EUR, with 1,000,000 EUR contributed by the EC and 123,596 EUR by Sweden and own contribution of Partners. 

  1. Objective

Provide EEF with a technical and professional assessment of results, achievements, key challenges and lessons learnt from the implementation of the project. 

  1. Scope of work

The review will consist of document reading, interviews and field study, debriefing meeting, as well as presentation of a review report.

The review should provide answers to the following questions:

  • Assess the relevance of the supported project in the country context:
    • Did the intervention respond to the needs of the target groups?
    • Was the operation in line with EC development policy and strategies?
  • Evaluate the efficiency of the project:
    • How well was the availability and use of inputs and resources managed?
    • How well were the activities implemented? How well were the outputs achieved?
    • How well were the Partners involved and contributing?
  • Consider the effectiveness of the project:
    • How well has the operation achieved its expected outcomes?
    • Was the purpose of the project achieved?
  • Examine the sustainability of the project:
    • What is the viability of the continuation of benefits after the end of the operation?
    • What is the level of ownership of the operation by the target group and relevant stakeholders?
    • Did the operation contribute to partners' capacity development?
  • Assess the extent to which the project paid attention to cross-cutting issues.
    • Have practical and strategic gender interests been adequately considered in the operation's strategy?
    • Has democratic governance been mainstreamed in the operation?
    • Did the operation actively contribute to the promotion of Human Rights? 

The project evaluation shall result in written recommendations on the above-mentioned issues. In addition, the expert/review team is encouraged to include recommendations, considered to be of relevance for promoting the aim of the Project Evaluation. 

  1. Approach and method of work

The Expert/Review Team will carry out its tasks through:

  • Desk review of project documents and reports;
  • Discussions with the staff members and grantees;
  • Interviews with partners and stakeholders;
  • Field visits to selected sites;
  • Consultation meetings. 

Timeframe (will cover the following aspects but will not be limited to)



Number of days


Finalizing the evaluation design and work plan

4 days


Desk review of existing documents

5 days


Interviews with staff, grantees, partners and stakeholders

10 days


Writing the 1st draft of evaluation report

5 days


Debriefing with EEF staff and management

1 day


Drafting final report

5 days


Total number of days

30 days


It is expected that the evaluation will be conducted throughout October– November 2024 with a preliminary draft report submitted to EEF by November 20, 2024.  The final report should be submitted to EEF no later than December 10, 2024. 

  1. The evaluator/evaluation team

The proposals could be submitted by individuals, teams of experts or legal entities. The evaluator/evaluation team should have relevant evaluation experience in the field of civil society development and program management. The minimum requirements include:

  • Experience working in Moldova and/or other countries of the former Soviet Union is highly desirable;
  • Minimum three years of related experience;
  • Qualified experience working with civil society organizations (CSO);
  • Working experience with international organizations and/or European Union would be an advantage;
  • Excellent oral and written skills in English and Romanian.
  • Knowledge of Russian language will be an asset. 
  1. Selection criteria
  • Experience of the evaluator/evaluation team in relevant fields (20%);
  • The quality and applicability of methodology proposed (40%);
  • The requested price for services (40%).

    7. Deliverables

    The key products expected from this evaluation are:

    1. The evaluation methodology;
    2. A comprehensive analytical report in English language. The report should, as a minimum, include the following contents:
    • Executive summary;
    • Introduction;
    • Description of the evaluation methodology;
    • Analysis of the situation with regard to the outcome, the outputs, the activities, the inputs and the partnership;
    • Key findings (including best practices and lessons learned)
    • Conclusions and recommendations
    • Annexes: field visits, people interviewed, documents reviewed, etc. 

    All deliverables will become the property of EEF. 

    1. Application package

    The applicant should submit the following documents:

    • CV reflecting the relevant experience of the applicant with at least 3 references;
    • Examples of previous evaluations performed by the applicant if applicable;
    • Short vision of achieving the task, including the evaluation methodology;
    • A tentative timetable for preparation, field-work, analysis and finalization of the Report;
    • Detailed budget for the evaluation in EUR (total price, daily fee, travel costs, communications, fees, etc.) 
    1. Submission 

    The deadline for submissions is 26th of September, 2024. The application should be sent to the e-mail address: concurs@eef.md with “Evaluation Social Entrepreneurship” in the subject line. All questions regarding this task shall be addressed in written to Dina Sevcenco, Program Officer, at dina.sevcenco@eef.md. 

    Only selected individuals or organizations will be notified. Incomplete applications will not be considered. 

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