Igor Vatamaniuc

Membru al Consiliului de Directori

Igor Vatamaniuc is the Sales and Marketing Director at “Ambianta” Group of companies. Mr. Vatamaniuc has a twenty-five years’ work experience, of which twelve years in building commercial networks and thirteen years in the field of land privatization, agricultural economy and legal rights protection. Experienced Manager/Leader who has built organizational networks and brought success to medium & long-term projects. Proficient in public policy and strategic planning techniques. Extensive experience in working with various international organizations (such as USAID, FAO, UNDP, IFAD, etc.) in Eastern Europe and Central Asia (Kyrgyzstan).

As the Vice-president of the largest grassroots movement of farmers of Moldova and as a private consultant, Mr. Vatamaniuc established working contacts with similar organizations in other countries such as France, Italy, Poland, USA, Egypt, Kyrgyzstan. Mr. Vatamaniuc has substantial experience in the field of institutional development of NGOs, including network building, sales techniques, membership mobilization, strategic planning, lobbying, bargaining and negotiations, alternative dispute resolution (arbitration and mediation), provision of consulting services, fundraising techniques, and public relations. For two years (2004 and 2005) Mr. Vatamaniuc was the chief editor of an agricultural periodical publication – the “AgroBusiness” monthly magazine.

Mr. Vatamaniuc holds a Master of Arts in Public policy, University of Albany, New York, a Bachelor in Economics, Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova and Diploma in Accounting, College of Law, Department of Accounting, Chernigov, Ukraine.
